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Виниловая пластинка Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart LP

Виниловая пластинка Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart LP

Пр-во: Республика

Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart (Compilation) LPКоллекция шедевров великого Моцарта в исполнении прославленных музыкантов, таких как Николаус Арнонкур, Риккардо Мути, Сабина Майер, Натали Дессе, Чечилия Бартоли и Кристиан Закариас. Во́льфганг Амадéй Мо́царт (нем. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, МФА [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt] ; полное имя — Иога́нн Хризосто́м Во́льфганг Амадéй Мо́царт; 27 января 1756, Зальцбург — 5 декабря 1791, Вена) — австрийский композитор и музыкант-виртуоз. Один из самых популярных классических композиторов, Моцарт оказал большое влияние на мировую музыкальную культуру. По свидетельству современников, Моцарт обладал феноменальным музыкальным слухом, памятью и способностью к импровизации. Самый молодой член Болонской филармонической академии (с 1770 года) за всю её историю, а также самый молодой кавалер ордена Золотой шпоры (1770).В отличие от многих композиторов XVIII века, Моцарт не просто работал во всех музыкальных формах своего времени, но и добился в них большого успеха. Многие из его сочинений признаны шедеврами симфонической, концертной, камерной, оперной и хоровой музыки. Наряду с Гайдном и Бетховеном принадлежит к наиболее значительным представителям Венской классической школы. Биография Моцарта, в особенности его образ жизни и обстоятельства его ранней смерти, была предметом многочисленных спекуляций и споров, которые в свою очередь дали почву для появления различных художественных вымыслов и расхожих мифов.За свою весьма краткую жизнь написал более 600 музыкальных произведений, первые из которых были написаны в раннем детстве. В биографии Моцарта важно отметить, что музыкальный талант великого композитора был обнаружен еще в раннем детстве. Отец обучал его игре на органе, скрипке, клавесине. В 1762 году семейство едет в Вену, Мюнхен. Там даются концерты Моцарта и его сестры Марии Анны. Затем во время путешествий по городам Германии, Швейцарии, Голландии музыка Моцарта поражает слушателей удивительной красотой. Впервые сочинения композитора издаются в Париже. Следующие несколько лет (1770–1774 гг.) Амадей Моцарт проживал в Италии. Там в первый раз ставятся его оперы («Митридат – царь Понтийский», «Луций Сулла», «Сон Сципиона»), которые получают большой успех публики. Отметим, что к 17 годам широкий репертуар композитора включал более 40 крупных произведений.С 1775 по 1780 год плодотворная работа Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта пополнила когорту его сочинений рядом выдающихся композиций. После занятия должности придворного органиста в 1779 году, симфонии Моцарта содержат все больше новых приемов. В краткой биографии Вольфганга Моцарта стоит упомянуть, что женитьба на Констанции Вебер отразилась также на его творчестве. Опера «Похищение из Сераля» пропитана романтикой тех времен.Некоторые оперы Моцарта так и остались неоконченными, поскольку трудное материальное положение семьи заставляло композитора посвящать много времени различным подработкам. В аристократических кругах проводились фортепианные концерты...

3850 Руб.

Munoz Isabel Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Genius

Munoz Isabel Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Genius


Meet composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and learn about his life and music in this engagingly illustrated biography. Wolfgang Amadeus rose to fame as a child genius who wrote his first piece at the age of five, spent a lifetime making music for archbishops and emperors, and created countless compositions until his untimely death at only 35 years old. This engaging biography explores his amazing career, from when Mozart began his musical studies under his father's tutelage; through his time as a court composer, musician, and concertmaster; to his final work in honor of the coronation of Leopold II as King of Bohemia. Along the way, we find out about Mozart's travels and the great composers he met, his difficulties with his rich benefactors, his financial struggles, his marriage and family, and his final illness. Appealing illustrations, information on his breakthroughs and successes, and an index of major events reveal how Mozart left his mark on humanity. A timeline and simple quiz help kids test their understanding and knowledge.

1524 Руб.

Chisholm Jane Nativity sticker book

Chisholm Jane Nativity sticker book


A beautifully illustrated sticker book of the best-known and most-loved paintings of the Nativity story. Each page shows a different event in the Nativity story, from Mary meeting the Angel Gabriel to Jesus' birth and the journey of the Three Kings. Includes information about the artists, the stories behind the paintings and the hidden meanings of some of the signs and symbols the artists used. Published in association with The National Gallery.

832 Руб.

Botanical Art Techniques. A Comprehensive Guide to Watercolor, Graphite, Colored Pencil, Vellum, Pen

Botanical Art Techniques. A Comprehensive Guide to Watercolor, Graphite, Colored Pencil, Vellum, Pen


This definitive guide is the most thorough how-to available on every major technique of botanical artistry. The experts at the American Society of Botanical Artists offer step-by-step projects that move from introductory to advanced-so any level of artist can build on acquired skills. Helpful tutorials cover watercolor, graphite, colored pencil, vellum, egg tempera, oils, pen and ink, and printmaking. Filled with more than 900 photographs and stunning examples of finished art by the best contemporary botanical artists, Botanical Art Techniques is the authoritative manual on this exquisite art form.

7932 Руб.

Timelines of Art

Timelines of Art


This beautiful book brings you the very best of art throughout history - using a truly innovative timeline-led approach. Savour iconic paintings such as Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper and Monet's Waterlilies, and discover less well-known artists, styles, and movements the world over - from Indigenous Australian art to the works of Ming-era China. And explore recurring themes, such as love and religion, and important genres from Romanesque to Conceptual art, along the way. Timelines of Art provides detailed analysis of the works of key artists, showing details of their technique - such as Leonardo's use of light and shade. It tells the story of avant-garde works like Manet's Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe (Lunch on the Grass), which scandalised society, and it traces how certain artists, genres or movements informed the works of others - showing how the Impressionists were inspired by Gustave Courbet, for example, or how Van Gogh was influenced by Japanese prints.

5382 Руб.

Obrist Hans Ulrich Ways of Curating

Obrist Hans Ulrich Ways of Curating


The world's most famous curator shows how we can use the process of curation outside the art world Drawing on his own experiences and inspirations - from staging his first exhibition in his tiny Zurich kitchen in 1986 to encounters with artists, exhibition makers and thinkers - Hans Ulrich Obrist looks to inspire all those engaged in the creation of culture. Moving from meetings with artists to the creation of the first public museums in the 18th century, recounting the practice of inspirational figures such as Diaghilev, skipping between exhibitions, continents and centuries, Ways of Curating argues that curation is far from a static practice. Driven by curiosity, at its best it allows us to create the future.

3486 Руб.

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics


No philosopher has held a higher opinion of art than Hegel, yet nor was any so profoundly pessimistic about its prospects - despite living in the German golden age of Goethe, Mozart and Schiller. For if the artists of classical Greece could find the perfect fusion of content and form, modernity faced complicating - and ultimately disabling - questions. Christianity, with its code of unworldliness, had compromised the immediacy of man's relationship with reality, and ironic detachment had alienated him from his deepest feelings. Hegel's Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics were delivered in Berlin in the 1820s and stand today as a passionately argued work that challenged the ability of art to respond to the modern world.

2867 Руб.

Doyle U. Love Letters of Great Men and Women

Doyle U. Love Letters of Great Men and Women


Together for the first time in one volume: the bestselling Love Letters of Great Men and Love Letters of Great Women From the private papers of Jane Austen and Mozart to those of Anne Boleyn and Nelson, Love Letters of Great Men and Women collects together some of the most romantic letters in history. For some of these great men, love is a 'delicious poison' (William Congreve); for others, 'a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music' (Charles Darwin). Love can scorch like the heat of the sun (Henry VIII), or penetrate the depths of one's heart like a cooling rain (Flaubert). But what about the other side of the story? What of the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history? Taken together, these love letters show that perhaps little has changed over the last 2,000 years. Passion, jealousy, hope and longing are all represented here - as is the simple pleasure of sending a letter to, and receiving one from, the person you love most. Includes letters by: Anne Boleyn, Beethoven, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, Mary Wordsworth, Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Queen Victoria, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Empress Josephine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Amadeus Mozart, Katherine Mansfield. Praise for Love Letters of Great Men: 'The most romantic book ever' Daily Mail 'Inspired by the Sex and the City movie... Famous men caught with pen in hand and heart in mouth' The Times

1021 Руб.

Love Letters of Great Men and Women

Love Letters of Great Men and Women


Together for the first time in one volume: the bestselling Love Letters of Great Men and Love Letters of Great Women From the private papers of Jane Austen and Mozart to those of Anne Boleyn and Nelson, Love Letters of Great Men and Women collects together some of the most romantic letters in history. For some of these great men, love is a 'delicious poison' (William Congreve); for others, 'a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music' (Charles Darwin). Love can scorch like the heat of the sun (Henry VIII), or penetrate the depths of one's heart like a cooling rain (Flaubert). But what about the other side of the story? What of the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history? Taken together, these love letters show that perhaps little has changed over the last 2,000 years. Passion, jealousy, hope and longing are all represented here - as is the simple pleasure of sending a letter to, and receiving one from, the person you love most. Includes letters by: Anne Boleyn, Beethoven, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, Mary Wordsworth, Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Queen Victoria, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Empress Josephine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Amadeus Mozart, Katherine Mansfield. Praise for Love Letters of Great Men: 'The most romantic book ever' Daily Mail 'Inspired by the Sex and the City movie... Famous men caught with pen in hand and heart in mouth' The Times

3371 Руб.

Doyle U. Love Letters of Great Men and Women

Doyle U. Love Letters of Great Men and Women


Together for the first time in one volume: the bestselling Love Letters of Great Men and Love Letters of Great Women From the private papers of Jane Austen and Mozart to those of Anne Boleyn and Nelson, Love Letters of Great Men and Women collects together some of the most romantic letters in history. For some of these great men, love is a 'delicious poison' (William Congreve); for others, 'a nice soft wife on a sofa with good fire, & books & music' (Charles Darwin). Love can scorch like the heat of the sun (Henry VIII), or penetrate the depths of one's heart like a cooling rain (Flaubert). But what about the other side of the story? What of the secret hopes and lives of some of the greatest women in history? Taken together, these love letters show that perhaps little has changed over the last 2,000 years. Passion, jealousy, hope and longing are all represented here - as is the simple pleasure of sending a letter to, and receiving one from, the person you love most. Includes letters by: Anne Boleyn, Beethoven, Edith Wharton, Mark Twain, Mary Wordsworth, Nell Gwyn (mistress of Charles II), Elizabeth Barrett Browning, G.K. Chesterton, Queen Victoria, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Empress Josephine, Mary Wollstonecraft, Amadeus Mozart, Katherine Mansfield. Praise for Love Letters of Great Men: 'The most romantic book ever' Daily Mail 'Inspired by the Sex and the City movie... Famous men caught with pen in hand and heart in mouth' The Times

1021 Руб.

The Kitchen Studio: Culinary Creations by Artists

The Kitchen Studio: Culinary Creations by Artists

Пр-во: Республика

A unique exploration of the culinary imagination and creativity of a stellar array of international contemporary artists - a host of intriguing personal recipes shown through the artists' own words and imagesCreativity doesn't stop at an artist's studio door - for many, it continues into the kitchen. For the first time, more than 70 artists, including Ghada Amer, Jimmie Durham, Studio Olafur Eliasson, Subodh Gupta, Nikolai Haas, Jeppe Hein, Carsten Hoeller, Dorothy Iannone, Ragnar Kjartansson, John Lyons, Philippe Parreno, Nicolas Party, Zina Saro-Wiwa, Tiffany Sia, and Rirkrit Tiravanija, and others, have been invited to share and illustrate a recipe of their own. These are either the best culinary concoctions they have ever invented, or an especially meaningful dish. The result is an exciting range of contributions spanning all manner of meals and drinks, both savory and sweet, from around the globe, brilliantly brought to life by a wealth of sketches, photographs, collages, paintings, and personal snaps.

5460 Руб.

Thompson Sarah E. Hokusai. Inspiration and Influence

Thompson Sarah E. Hokusai. Inspiration and Influence


The great painter, book illustrator, and print designer Katsushika Hokusai (1760–1849) has become the best known of all Japanese artists and one of the most famous and influential artists in the world. He was a key figure in the Japonisme movement in late nineteenth-century Europe, and his iconic images—especially the color woodblock print nicknamed “The Great Wave”—are frequently referred to in present-day art in both serious and frivolous forms, from sculpture, printmaking, and painting to anime and emojis. This book looks at Hokusai from the viewpoint of fellow artists who incorporated lessons learned from him into their own work, including Hokusai’s own students, his contemporary rivals, and his many posthumous admirers working in a wide range of media, in Japan and around the world, from the late nineteenth century to the present. Lavishly illustrated and accompanied by illuminating and engaging texts, this publication invites readers to encounter the origins and enduring appeal of Hokusai’s delightful art.

4388 Руб.

Thorpe P. (ред.) The Legend of Zelda. Art & Artifacts

Thorpe P. (ред.) The Legend of Zelda. Art & Artifacts


Make sure to check out the other installments in this unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise with the New York Times best selling The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia and The Legend of Zelda: Encyclopedia. Also look for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -- Creating a Champion for an indepth look at the art, lore, and making of the best selling video game! The Legend of Zelda(TM) Art and Artifacts contains over four hundred pages of fully realized illustrations from the entire thirty-year history of The Legend of Zelda(TM) including artwork from the upcoming The Legend of Zelda(TM) Breath of the Wild! Every masterwork is printed on high-quality paper in an oversized format so you can immerse yourself in the fine details of each piece. This book includes rare promotional pieces, game box art, instruction booklet illustrations, official character illustrations, sprite art, interviews with the artists, and much, much more! The Legend of Zelda(TM) Art and Artifacts collects many of your favorite masterpieces from the storied franchise, as well as rare and never before seen content, presented in one handsome hardcover. Select artwork from the entirety of the franchise! A nostalgic look at the past! An exciting look at the future! Interviews with some of the artists behind The Legend of Zelda(TM) series!

1978 Руб.

Thorpe P. (ред.) The Legend of Zelda. Art & Artifacts

Thorpe P. (ред.) The Legend of Zelda. Art & Artifacts


Make sure to check out the other installments in this unparalleled collection of historical information on The Legend of Zelda franchise with the New York Times best selling The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia and The Legend of Zelda: Encyclopedia. Also look for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -- Creating a Champion for an indepth look at the art, lore, and making of the best selling video game! The Legend of Zelda(TM) Art and Artifacts contains over four hundred pages of fully realized illustrations from the entire thirty-year history of The Legend of Zelda(TM) including artwork from the upcoming The Legend of Zelda(TM) Breath of the Wild! Every masterwork is printed on high-quality paper in an oversized format so you can immerse yourself in the fine details of each piece. This book includes rare promotional pieces, game box art, instruction booklet illustrations, official character illustrations, sprite art, interviews with the artists, and much, much more! The Legend of Zelda(TM) Art and Artifacts collects many of your favorite masterpieces from the storied franchise, as well as rare and never before seen content, presented in one handsome hardcover. Select artwork from the entirety of the franchise! A nostalgic look at the past! An exciting look at the future! Interviews with some of the artists behind The Legend of Zelda(TM) series!

1978 Руб.

Wideman John Edgar American Histories

Wideman John Edgar American Histories


These stories offer spellbinding reflections on abolitionists and artists, fathers and sons, the bonds of family and the pull of memory. A re-imagined conversation takes place between white anti-slavery crusader John Brown and black abolitionist Frederick Douglass. A man sits on the edge of Williamsburg Bridge, contemplating suicide. The author considers the deaths of his brother, uncle, mother and niece.John Edgar Wideman's fiction challenges the boundaries of the form. Emotionally precise and intellectually stimulating, this is Wideman at his best.

916 Руб.

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk


Return to Planet Hulk - this time with Amadeus Cho! When Amadeus picks up a distress signal from a distant planet, he's shocked to find out that it's from Sakaar. As the Totally Awesome Hulk, Amadeus has been trying to avoid the curse of anger that haunted Bruce Banner. But Sakaar is a place for warriors and gladiators...a place where the Hulk fought brutally in the Imperial Arena. If Amadeus is to survive there, he may have to embrace the savage Hulk within himself - especially when he faces a series of impossible trials known as the Gauntlet! But who sent the mysterious call for help that brought him to this deadly planet? Can Amadeus conquer Sakaar like Banner before him - or will he himself be conquered? And is that thundering barbarian...the Odinson? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1935 Руб.

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