munoz isabel wolfgang amadeus mozart genius

Munoz Isabel Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Genius

Munoz Isabel Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Genius


Meet composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and learn about his life and music in this engagingly illustrated biography. Wolfgang Amadeus rose to fame as a child genius who wrote his first piece at the age of five, spent a lifetime making music for archbishops and emperors, and created countless compositions until his untimely death at only 35 years old. This engaging biography explores his amazing career, from when Mozart began his musical studies under his father's tutelage; through his time as a court composer, musician, and concertmaster; to his final work in honor of the coronation of Leopold II as King of Bohemia. Along the way, we find out about Mozart's travels and the great composers he met, his difficulties with his rich benefactors, his financial struggles, his marriage and family, and his final illness. Appealing illustrations, information on his breakthroughs and successes, and an index of major events reveal how Mozart left his mark on humanity. A timeline and simple quiz help kids test their understanding and knowledge.

1524 Руб.

Виниловая Пластинка Jean-Pierre Rampal, Lily Laskine, Jacques Lancelot, Jean-Francois Paillard, Mozart: Flute And Harp Concert (0190296456510)

Виниловая Пластинка Jean-Pierre Rampal, Lily Laskine, Jacques Lancelot, Jean-Francois Paillard, Mozart: Flute And Harp Concert (0190296456510)

Пр-во: Warner Music Classic

WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART 1756-1791. Side A: Concerto for flute and harp in C major, K. 297c. I. Allegro. II. Andantino. III. Rondo Allegro. Side B: Concerto for clarinet in A major, K. 622. I. Allegro. II. Adagio. III. Rondo. Jean-Pierre Rampal flute. Lily Laskine harp. Jacques Lancelot clarinet. Orchestre de chambre Jean-Fran?ois Paillard · Jean-Fran?ois Paillard.

2770 Руб.

Munoz Isabel Pablo Picasso

Munoz Isabel Pablo Picasso


Meet Pablo Picasso and discover the story of his life and work in this engagingly illustrated biography—narrated by the artist himself. Pablo Picasso redefined twentieth-century art, moving from realistic portrayals and experiments in color to primitivism and cubism, in which he deconstructed the subjects he painted. This engaging first-person biography explores the unique career of this master, who began learning to draw and paint at just seven years old. It delves into Picasso’s training, including at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona; his various stylistic periods, from naturalism to surrealism; his experience living in Paris under German occupation during World War II; his many marriages; and his profound influence on later artists.

1437 Руб.

Maule David Genius

Maule David Genius


Shakespeare, Mozart, Madame Curie, Albert Einstein ...what do these people have in common? See the world through the eyes of a genius.

1981 Руб.

Morike Eduard Mozart’s Journey to Prague

Morike Eduard Mozart’s Journey to Prague


While on a journey with his wife to Prague for the opening night of Don Giovanni, Mozart is caught picking an orange on the grounds of a stately home. But when the resident family find out who they are dealing with, they are delighted to be in the presence of the celebrated composer and invite him to their daughter’s wedding. Morike’s vivid and imaginative depiction of a day in the life of Mozart captures both the humorous and the more fragile and pensive side of the Austrian genius.

2469 Руб.

Caliman Andre, Campion Miguel Una desaparición misteriosa

Caliman Andre, Campion Miguel Una desaparición misteriosa


Un material visualmente muy atractivo y motivador que sumerge al estudiante en una historia policiaca. Lectura en formato comic recomendada a estudiantes a partir de 14 anos y de nivel A1. Incorpora actividades de comprension. Incluye un glosario espanol/ingles/frances con las palabras y expresiones mas dificiles para el estudiante. Isabel Munoz y Carlos Morales son dos detectives de Ciudad Capital. No se conocen pero tienen la mision de resolver su primer caso juntos: la misteriosa desaparicion de un joven dentro de su apartamento. No es un trabajo facil y los dos detectives tienen formas de trabajar diferentes y personalidades incompatibles. ?Podran resolver con exito su primer caso?

1775 Руб.

Виниловая пластинка Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart LP

Виниловая пластинка Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart LP

Пр-во: Республика

Various Artists - Amadeus: The Best Of Mozart (Compilation) LPКоллекция шедевров великого Моцарта в исполнении прославленных музыкантов, таких как Николаус Арнонкур, Риккардо Мути, Сабина Майер, Натали Дессе, Чечилия Бартоли и Кристиан Закариас. Во́льфганг Амадéй Мо́царт (нем. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, МФА [ˈvɔlfɡaŋ amaˈdeus ˈmoːtsaʁt] ; полное имя — Иога́нн Хризосто́м Во́льфганг Амадéй Мо́царт; 27 января 1756, Зальцбург — 5 декабря 1791, Вена) — австрийский композитор и музыкант-виртуоз. Один из самых популярных классических композиторов, Моцарт оказал большое влияние на мировую музыкальную культуру. По свидетельству современников, Моцарт обладал феноменальным музыкальным слухом, памятью и способностью к импровизации. Самый молодой член Болонской филармонической академии (с 1770 года) за всю её историю, а также самый молодой кавалер ордена Золотой шпоры (1770).В отличие от многих композиторов XVIII века, Моцарт не просто работал во всех музыкальных формах своего времени, но и добился в них большого успеха. Многие из его сочинений признаны шедеврами симфонической, концертной, камерной, оперной и хоровой музыки. Наряду с Гайдном и Бетховеном принадлежит к наиболее значительным представителям Венской классической школы. Биография Моцарта, в особенности его образ жизни и обстоятельства его ранней смерти, была предметом многочисленных спекуляций и споров, которые в свою очередь дали почву для появления различных художественных вымыслов и расхожих мифов.За свою весьма краткую жизнь написал более 600 музыкальных произведений, первые из которых были написаны в раннем детстве. В биографии Моцарта важно отметить, что музыкальный талант великого композитора был обнаружен еще в раннем детстве. Отец обучал его игре на органе, скрипке, клавесине. В 1762 году семейство едет в Вену, Мюнхен. Там даются концерты Моцарта и его сестры Марии Анны. Затем во время путешествий по городам Германии, Швейцарии, Голландии музыка Моцарта поражает слушателей удивительной красотой. Впервые сочинения композитора издаются в Париже. Следующие несколько лет (1770–1774 гг.) Амадей Моцарт проживал в Италии. Там в первый раз ставятся его оперы («Митридат – царь Понтийский», «Луций Сулла», «Сон Сципиона»), которые получают большой успех публики. Отметим, что к 17 годам широкий репертуар композитора включал более 40 крупных произведений.С 1775 по 1780 год плодотворная работа Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта пополнила когорту его сочинений рядом выдающихся композиций. После занятия должности придворного органиста в 1779 году, симфонии Моцарта содержат все больше новых приемов. В краткой биографии Вольфганга Моцарта стоит упомянуть, что женитьба на Констанции Вебер отразилась также на его творчестве. Опера «Похищение из Сераля» пропитана романтикой тех времен.Некоторые оперы Моцарта так и остались неоконченными, поскольку трудное материальное положение семьи заставляло композитора посвящать много времени различным подработкам. В аристократических кругах проводились фортепианные концерты...

3850 Руб.

LIFE Gone too Soon. Their Lives Were Not Long but Mattered

LIFE Gone too Soon. Their Lives Were Not Long but Mattered


This book is a celebration. Yes, undeniably, there is some sadness in these pages. Why in the world was Kennedy killed? Why couldn't Marilyn have found happiness? Why did Michael leave the stage so early? But also, we revisit the dynamism of JFK, the beauty of Marilyn Monroe and the pure excitement that was Michael Jackson. In these pages, we lament the premature exits, but thrillingly celebrate the lives that were lived lived, often, to the very fullest. This special LIFE book is brimful with the stories of people we loved. The fans of Judy Garland, Elvis Presley and John Lennon were legion, and so were those of Tim Russert and John Ritter. These are people who, when we learned they had passed, made us sit up, take notice and focus on why they mattered-deeply-to all of us. IFE always takes the long view, and so this book salutes historical figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as well as contemporary celebrities including Christopher Reeve and Farrah Fawcett. What might the world have been like had Lincoln not been shot, or with four score more compositions by Mozart? How richer might we all be with further F. Scott Fitzgerald stories to read, or more James Dean movies to watch? These many people-more than 100 in all-are commemorated not only in prose but also in the fine, often surprising and sometimes rare pictures for which LIFE is famous. In these pages, those we lost come vibrantly alive once more. We remember these people precisely, and celebrate their important, if too short, lives.

4825 Руб.

McCall Smith Alexander The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds

McCall Smith Alexander The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds


Isabel Dalhousie leads an enviable life in Edinburgh, with time for cloud-gazing, civilised conversation and good coffee from Cat's delicatessen. Alongside these pastimes, she must also keep pace with the varied pursuits of her musician husband and their young son Charlie, who is exhibiting the first, rather worrying signs of mathematical genius. But an unexpected appeal for help from a collector who has been the victim of an important art theft threatens to take her far outside of her comfort zone. As an incorrigible rescuer of others, Isabel can hardly refuse to assist in the collector's negotiations with those holding his beloved painting, however shadowy the circumstances may be. . .

1973 Руб.

Lu M. The Kingdom of Back

Lu M. The Kingdom of Back


Two siblings. Two brilliant talents. But only one Mozart. Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish - to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope shell ever become the acclaimed composer she longs to be. She is a young woman in 18th century Europe, and that means composing is forbidden to her. She will perform only until she reaches a marriageable age - her tyrannical father has made that much clear. And as Nannerls hope grows dimmer with each passing year, the talents of her beloved younger brother, Wolfgang, only seem to shine brighter. His brilliance begins to eclipse her own, until one day a mysterious stranger from a magical land appears with an irresistible offer. He has the power to make her wish come true - but his help may cost her everything.

604 Руб.

Lu M. The Kingdom of Back

Lu M. The Kingdom of Back


Two siblings. Two brilliant talents. But only one Mozart. Born with a gift for music, Nannerl Mozart has just one wish - to be remembered forever. But even as she delights audiences with her masterful playing, she has little hope shell ever become the acclaimed composer she longs to be. She is a young woman in 18th century Europe, and that means composing is forbidden to her. She will perform only until she reaches a marriageable age - her tyrannical father has made that much clear. And as Nannerls hope grows dimmer with each passing year, the talents of her beloved younger brother, Wolfgang, only seem to shine brighter. His brilliance begins to eclipse her own, until one day a mysterious stranger from a magical land appears with an irresistible offer. He has the power to make her wish come true - but his help may cost her everything.

604 Руб.

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk


Return to Planet Hulk - this time with Amadeus Cho! When Amadeus picks up a distress signal from a distant planet, he's shocked to find out that it's from Sakaar. As the Totally Awesome Hulk, Amadeus has been trying to avoid the curse of anger that haunted Bruce Banner. But Sakaar is a place for warriors and gladiators...a place where the Hulk fought brutally in the Imperial Arena. If Amadeus is to survive there, he may have to embrace the savage Hulk within himself - especially when he faces a series of impossible trials known as the Gauntlet! But who sent the mysterious call for help that brought him to this deadly planet? Can Amadeus conquer Sakaar like Banner before him - or will he himself be conquered? And is that thundering barbarian...the Odinson? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1935 Руб.

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk

Pak G. Hulk: Return to Planet Hulk


Return to Planet Hulk - this time with Amadeus Cho! When Amadeus picks up a distress signal from a distant planet, he's shocked to find out that it's from Sakaar. As the Totally Awesome Hulk, Amadeus has been trying to avoid the curse of anger that haunted Bruce Banner. But Sakaar is a place for warriors and gladiators...a place where the Hulk fought brutally in the Imperial Arena. If Amadeus is to survive there, he may have to embrace the savage Hulk within himself - especially when he faces a series of impossible trials known as the Gauntlet! But who sent the mysterious call for help that brought him to this deadly planet? Can Amadeus conquer Sakaar like Banner before him - or will he himself be conquered? And is that thundering barbarian...the Odinson? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1935 Руб.

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus


HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее "Amadeus" Посуда

322 Руб.

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus


HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее "Amadeus" Посуда

640 Руб.

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus

Плейсмат HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее Amadeus


HANS&GRETCHEN Подставка под горячее "Amadeus" Посуда

322 Руб.

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